Kratom And Pregnancy


Kratom is a natural product with rising popularity in the US. An estimate of 15million people uses kratom powder every day in America for a variety of purposes. Although some people think that this is a dangerous substance, this is far from true. Using kratom correctly is not only safe but has helped many individuals to improve their well-being and their lives. But does this mean that everyone can use kratom in every case? The short answer to this question is no. There can be certain conditions in which you should not use the herb. In this article, we will explore one of these cases. So, keep reading to learn more about kratom and pregnancy.


What Is Kratom Used For?


Before we dig into the subject of kratom and pregnancy, you should know what kratom is used for first. Kratom powder, as you find it in the market, is usually imported from Southeast Asia. Growers pick the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree, put them to dry, and then crush them to obtain the fine powder that you know as kratom. This powder is shipped to the US, where is then sold in local shops and online.

Although kratom is relatively new in our market, its use has escalated exponentially in the last decade. This is due to the wide number of uses that the herb has. So, what do people use kratom for?

The most popular uses of kratom include:

  • Energy increase
  • Focus and concentration
  • Mood elevation
  • Anxiety relief
  • Pain management
  • Fight insomnia
  • Manage opioid addiction

Many people benefit from kratom daily, but can pregnant women do it too? Let’s find out below.


What Happens in Your Body During Pregnancy?


Pregnancy is a very special time for every woman. During this time, the woman’s body experiences many changes that some might find overwhelming. These symptoms can happen during pregnancy:

  1. The baby’s vital organs are formed during the first trimester. During this time, the woman may experience tiredness, abdominal pain, nausea, and dizziness.
  2. The initial discomfort usually disappears in the second trimester. However, the system will start producing relaxin, a hormone that will prepare the body for birth. This hormone may provoke abdominal pain.
  3. During the third trimester, you can feel back pain due to the weight, and some people may suffer from other conditions, such as hemorrhoids.

These symptoms are normal, and, in most cases, they won’t require any treatment, moreover, most of them will disappear after birth.


Can You Use Kratom While Pregnant?


Although most women won’t experience serious symptoms during pregnancy, some women, especially those with pre-existing conditions, may suffer from moderate discomfort. In this case, some women may wonder if they can use medications or substances to alleviate it.

As we said, kratom is becoming increasingly popular among individuals who are looking to ease pain, anxiety, opioid addiction, and other conditions. But is it wise to use it during pregnancy? The answer is no.

Like any other substances that are used during pregnancy, the fetus’ system will absorb all nutrients and other substances that the mother takes, and this is the same with kratom. Although kratom is a safe substance for adults, it may not be the same for children. So, you should not give kratom to children, and of course, you should not use it during pregnancy to prevent the fetus from developing tolerance or any other problems.

There is no research regarding kratom and pregnancy, so considering this, you should not use the herb if you are pregnant.


Can You Use Kratom While Breastfeeding?


If you are pregnant and a kratom user, you already know that you should not use kratom during pregnancy. But you may wonder how long you should wait to start using kratom again after birth and if you can use it during breastfeeding.

When you are breastfeeding, you are passing the nutrients that your system absorbs to your baby. But you are also passing any other substances that you use, including medication, nicotine if you smoke, and traces of alcohol if you drink. So, if you use kratom during breastfeeding, you could be passing kratom’s alkaloids to your baby. So, considering this, you should not use kratom during breastfeeding.


Other Products That You Should Not Use While Pregnant


Kratom is not the only substance that you should not use while pregnant. There are many other substances or even foods that you should avoid during this period. Some examples are:

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Cigarettes (or any other smoking products)
  • Non-pasteurized milk and cheese
  • Raw eggs
  • Undercooked or raw fish (sushi)
  • Pate
  • Undercooked meat

As you see, there are many things that you should avoid during pregnancy, so the best thing to do is to ask your doctor who will tell you how to eat and what to avoid.