Kratom for Pain Relief


Kratom (mitragyna speciosa) is a tropical tree from the Rubiaceae family (the same family of coffee). It’s native to Southeastern Asia countries like Indonesia or Thailand. For ages, the people from these regions have used kratom by chewing its leaves seeking its powerful effects. Kratom poses many properties, such as energy boosting, calming or anxiety relieving. Also, many people use kratom for pain relief.

Only recently, Kratom has gained popularity in the Western world. The market offers it now in different forms, mostly in powder that you can boil in a tea. There are also kratom extracts –highly concentrated forms of kratom–, and “enhanced” kratom products, which also include extracts. You can find kratom extracts in tinctures, oil or resins.


Does Kratom Relieve Pain?


Many people suffering from chronic pain or from medical conditions that cause physical pain and who have heard of kratom, wonder if kratom really relieves pain. The answer to them is very simple: Yes, kratom relieves pain. In fact, one of the best known medicinal properties of kratom is its power as a pain reliever.

When taken in the proper dose, kratom effectively acts relieving pain for a great range of health issues and conditions:

  • musculoskeletal injuries and conditions,
  • carpal tunnel syndrome,
  • rheumatism,
  • arthritis,
  • fibromyalgia, etc.

But kratom is also helpful in mitigating the symptoms and pain of opiates withdrawal. Thus, individuals that are addicted to opiates and are trying to move away from them, often use kratom to help them go through this phase.

Even if kratom may produce some soft side effects (like nausea or sleeping problems), these can be easily mitigated by adjusting the kratom dose and are nothing in comparison to those dangerous side effects produced by opioid painkillers or narcotics (like respiratory depression, as kratom does not interfere with the respiratory system and does not slow breathing).

Kratom is not only safer than traditional opioid painkillers, it is also remarkably cheaper. Especially for patients who do not have a health insurance or whose health insurance plan does not cover these medications. The savings from using kratom instead of traditional painkillers range from 30% to 80%, depending on the kratom type and dosage.


What Are the Best Varieties of Kratom for Pain Relief?


Red Thai kratom (or Maeng Da kratom) and Bali kratom (either in powder form or in extract form) are the best kratom types for pain relief.

  • Bali kratom, native to Indonesia, owns sedative, analgesic properties. It also has relaxing qualities which produce a calming effect on the mind.
  • Red Thai kratom (or Maeng Da kratom) acts as a good pain reliever and it works as a relaxant. Maeng Da kratom also boosts up energy and improves the general mood eliminating anxiety.

Though these kratom types are the best for pain relief, the effects will vary depending on the person and the dosage. Consider trying different doses and even different kratom products to achieve the best results.


Kratom types


Kratom extracts and enhanced products are not recommended when using kratom for pain relief. The reason for this is that they might lose some of its active alkaloids during their preparation. Also, kratom extract can increase tolerance, which might even turn out in a possible dependency.


Dosage of Kratom for Pain Relief


Though the starting dose of kratom is 3 grams, some users find this amount is only too mild and compare its effects to an 800mg Ibuprofen pill. This dosage can cause overstimulation, nervousness, uneasiness or headaches. A moderate/high dose of 5-6 grams is the preferred dose for pain relief. This dosage will be enough to ease the pain without making you feel “stoned”. It will allow you to continue with your regular daily activities, like working or engaging in social situations normally.

A high dose of kratom of 7-8 grams, which can provide an even better effect in relieving pain, might also cause side effects like nausea or an excessive sedation, leading to a feeling of numbness. So, always be cautious before taking these high doses.