Kratom for Autoimmune Disease


Many people are using kratom in America for multiple purposes. Some people use it to relieve pain, others want to ease anxiety and stress, and others simply want to achieve more energy and clarity of mind. Kratom users swear by its effectiveness, and many of them claim that they have gotten back their lives thanks to kratom and that the plant has made them more productive. Anecdotal evidence suggests that kratom can help relieve the symptoms of various conditions. For this reason, more and more people wonder if kratom may help them too. One of the most frequent questions is if kratom may help relieve symptoms of autoimmune disease. To answer this question, we first need to understand what autoimmune disease is and how kratom works. So, let’s explore kratom for autoimmune disease in this article.


What Is Autoimmune Disease?


Our bodies have an immune system that helps us keep healthy by triggering a defense response against disease-causing organisms (i.e.: viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens). But sometimes our immune system triggers the defense response against healthy cells, causing the so-called autoimmune disease.

The mechanisms that cause autoimmune disease are unknown. However, it seems clear that viruses, bacteria, and even drugs and medicines may cause alterations in our system that can be a cause of this condition.

On the other hand, there are genetic factors that can trigger autoimmune disease, and many of these conditions are hereditary.

Although anyone can suffer from any type of autoimmune disease, it is more common among middle-aged women.


Autoimmune Diseases: Examples and Symptoms


There are multiple types of autoimmune disease, and all of them have different symptoms. Let’s see some of the most common below:

  1. Inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Although it is not clear what causes this condition, some germs might mistakenly trigger the defense response. Symptoms of the inflammatory disease may include abdominal pain, blood in the stool, and diarrhea.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disorder that affects your joints when your immune system attacks your body tissues. It causes joint pain and stiffness, tender, warm swollen joints, and fatigue.
  3. Lupus can affect any organ and body systems, including the heart, kidneys, brain, skin, blood cells, and lungs. It is a difficult condition to diagnose, as its symptoms often mimic those of other ailments. The symptoms will vary depending on the affected body system. They can include pain, fever, fatigue, butterfly-shaped rash on the cheeks, memory loss, shortness of breath, etc.
  4. Psoriasis is a common autoimmune condition that causes the rapid build-up of skin cells. Common symptoms of psoriasis include red patches on the skin, soreness around patches, dry skin, and painful joints.

The above are just some examples of autoimmune diseases, but there are many more, i.e.: celiac disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, vitiligo, pulmonary fibrosis, Hashimoto thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, and vasculitis, to name a few.


Kratom For Autoimmune Disease: How Can It Help?


The first thing that you must know about kratom is that it doesn’t treat or cure any condition. However, kratom is a plant with powerful stimulating, relaxing, and analgesic properties that can help relieve the symptoms of many conditions.

So, does kratom for autoimmune disease work? And how can it help? The answer to this question will largely depend on the type of autoimmune disease and its symptoms. It is important to note that there is not enough research on kratom for autoimmune diseases. So, we must rely on anecdotal evidence and on users’ testimonials to be able to determine its effectiveness.

Thanks to its analgesic properties, kratom can be effective to relieve pain caused by autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. It can also improve fatigue and elevate mood. On the other hand, kratom can relieve anxiety and stress, which can trigger psoriasis flares. Additionally, kratom users who suffer from inflammatory bowel disease, report that the plant has helped them combat diarrhea. However, this may be due to constipation, which is a side effect of kratom.

kratom for autoimmune disease


Best Types of Kratom For Autoimmune Disease?


Since every autoimmune disease is different and has different symptoms, there is no one size fits all regarding the best type of kratom for autoimmune disease. Also, remember that kratom is not a cure, but it can help you improve some symptoms of your condition.

The most common symptom of autoimmune disease is inflammation and pain. Some of the best kratom strains for pain caused by conditions such as arthritis and lupus are:

  • Red Bali
  • Green Malay
  • Red Borneo

Red Bali and Red Borneo also have relaxing properties that can help ease your anxiety, if your symptoms are triggered by anxiety or stress.


How to Use Kratom For Autoimmune Diseases?


There are various types of kratom that you can find in the market, including powder, capsules, tinctures, extracts, and enhanced kratom. Bear in mind that extracts, liquids, and enhanced kratom are very potent products, so, if you are new to kratom, you should choose powder or capsules instead.

  • Using kratom capsules is as simple as ingesting them the same way you would do it with any other capsule type. Nevertheless, you should pay attention to the gram content of each capsule to make sure that you are not taking too much. Usually, kratom capsules contain 0.5-0.75g.
  • Kratom powder must be ingested, do not use any other method, as it won’t be as effective and may bring along unpleasant side effects. The most common ways to ingest kratom powder include swallowing it with water (toss and wash), preparing kratom tea, or mixing it with juice or foods.

Finally, remember that there is no recommended dosage with kratom. So, it is recommended to start on a low dose (0.5-1g) and increase by 0.5g each day until you find the dosage that works for you. But remember not to go above 8 grams, as this is considered a high dosage. Also, remember that kratom tends to be more energizing at lower doses and more calming and even sedating at higher doses.

Have you used kratom for autoimmune disease? Let us know if it worked in the comments below!

One Reply to “Kratom for Autoimmune Disease”

  1. I suffer from anxiety panic disorder for over 30 years and been on Ativan. They dont work as well so run out sometimes. I suffer with nausea everday also. Is there something that helps stop the nausea and possible withdrawal symptoms.?

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