Does CBD Get You High?

CBD products have become very popular in recent times thanks to its many properties and positive effects on the human (and animal) system. And its popularity has skyrocketed after the FDA approval of Epidiolex, a new drug containing CBD to treat seizures. However, there are still a lot of misunderstandings and misconceptions about the substance. In fact, many individuals still think that CBD is a dangerous drug with potent psychoactive properties. Due to this false belief, people who could potentially benefit from CBD won’t even consider using it. But is CBD a safe substance? And, more importantly: Does CBD get you high? We’ll answer these and more questions in this article.


What is CBD?


Before answering the question if CBD gets you high, you should understand what CBD is and what it’s not. Contrary to what some people think, CBD is not a sophisticated synthetic drug. Instead, it occurs naturally in the Cannabis Sativa plant. Although most people think that the cannabis plant is the same as the marihuana plant, this is not always true. Hemp is also derived from the cannabis plant, and it’s totally legal. Besides, hemp doesn’t have any psychoactive effects and most CBD that we can find in the market is extracted from hemp.

To obtain CBD, different parts of the hemp or cannabis plant are used, including seeds, flowers or even the whole plant. Although most times CBD is extracted from hemp alone and, as such, it doesn’t contain any THC traces (the psychoactive compound of the plant), in other instances cannabis plants with low THC content are used. Consequently, we can find two different types of CBD products in the market:

  1. CBD isolates, which don’t contain any THC and typically derive from hemp plants.
  2. Full-spectrum CBD, which contains low THC traces. In this case, you should make sure that the product contains less than 0.3% THC which is the legal limit.

It is extremely important to only buy products that don’t exceed the legal THC levels of 0.3%. Otherwise you could end up with a CBD product that could potentially get you high, show up in drug screenings or worse, you could end up facing legal charges. The best way to avoid all these problems is by buying CBD isolates.


Cannabis Compounds


The Cannabis Sativa plant has more than 100 chemical compounds. But the most abundant are THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol). All these ingredients together give the plant its amazing properties, including its psychoactive and non-psychoactive effects.

THC is the main psychoactive compound of the plant and it is, in fact, the one that will make you high by altering the central nervous system. Conversely, CBD is the “good” compound of the plant and lacks the psychoactive effects of its cousin.


Does CBD Get You High? How Does CBD Work?


Before we answer the question “does CBD get you high?” we must explain how CBD works. The way CBD acts upon the system is not yet well documented. But t is known that it acts as a THC antagonist, reducing, this way, the psychoactive effects of tetrahydrocannabinol.

Additionally, CBD is believed to have effects on our endocannabinoid system but, contrary to THC, it doesn’t act on the brain, but on the peripheral nervous system. By doing so, people who use CBD may experience the following effects:

  • pain reduction
  • nausea inhibition
  • anxiety relief
  • depression symptoms relief

On the other hand, some studies report that CBD has antiseptic and anticarcinogenic effects. Moreover, CBD can help relieve epilepsy and seizures.


Does CBD Get You High?


So, does CBD get you high? The answer to this is plain no. As we said, although CBD is present in the cannabis plant, it doesn’t hold any psychoactive properties, so it won’t get you high. Moreover, even if you choose to use full-spectrum CBD (the one that contains traces of THC lower than 0.3%) won’t get you high. There are two reasons for this:

  • THC levels in full-spectrum CBD are so low that you won’t be able to notice any psychoactive effects.
  • CBD has the ability to counteract the negative effects of THC.

Another big question is whether CBD shows up in drug tests. Again, this will depend on the type of CBD product that you use. Drug tests only look for THC, so if you are using a CBD isolate, it won’t show up in them. But, be warned that full-spectrum CBD products that contain traces of THC might lead to a positive drug test.


CBD Side Effects


So, if CBD doesn’t get you high, does it have any side effects? We are lacking research on this matter; however, anecdotal evidence shows that CBD is a pretty safe substance to use. Most times, CBD won’t provoke any side effects and, if they appear, they are mild and will disappear after discontinuation of use.

Some of the side effects may include:

  • tiredness
  • drowsiness
  • Dry mouth
  • appetite reduction
  • dizziness

However, like any other substance, CBD may interact with other substances such as drugs or herbal remedies. So, it is recommended to ask your doctor before using CBD.