History and Tradition of Muira Puama


Today, there are many people who experience periods of low sex drive or even a total libido loss. Some of the causes of this might be our stressed way of life, bad eating habits, problems at work, etc. On the other hand, individuals who suffer from this condition may develop other problems, such as low self-esteem, stress, and anxiety. Additionally, it can cause relationship issues. That’s why many people seek remedies to treat low sex drive.

There are many natural remedies for low libido, including maca root and ginseng. In this article, we’ll explore the history and tradition of muira puama, which is one of the most popular and ancient aphrodisiac herbs in the market.


What is Muira Puama?


Muira puama is a bush native to Brazil, where has been traditionally appreciated thanks to its aphrodisiac properties. In fact, it is also known by the name of “potency wood” in this area. Although the plant is typically used as an aphrodisiac for men, it also has properties in women who suffer from low libido.

Today, muira puama has become very popular in the rest of the world, and it’s easy to find in the market.


Origin and Botany of Muira Puama


Muira puama grows naturally in the Amazonian areas of Brazil. The plant has more than one botanical name. The reason for this is that back in the time of its discovery, there were many botanists who were competing to be the first who classify new herbs and plants. And, many times, more than one botanist classified the same plant at the same time. So now, muira puama has three botanical names, i.e.: Ptychopetalum ocaloides, which is the official name today, Acanthea virilis and Liriosma ovata.

The plant belongs to the Oleaceae family, which is the same as the olive tree. The species are shrubs which can grow to 3-4m (10-14 ft) and, like olive trees it can develop into a small tree. It has short leaves which are light green on the top surface and dark green on the bottom. It also has small flowers; whose color and essence are similar to jasmine.


History and Tradition of Muira Puama


Although there are no written documents about the use and tradition of muira puama in history, there is evidence that its use goes back centuries. The plant had a lot of popularity in Europe after the discovery of its effects. But it disappeared after a while. Nevertheless, the plant became popular again in the 1920’s and 1930’s and is widely used today.

Traditionally, the native cultures of the Amazonian rainforest of Brazil have used the plant to treat different conditions. Although all parts of the plant have properties, its roots and bark hold the most of them. For this reason, these are the most popular parts to prepare remedies.

In order to feel its properties, the indigenous people prepare a decoction of muira puama’s bark and roots to treat a number of conditions, including:

  • Impotence
  • Libido loss
  • Neuromuscular disorders
  • Rheumatism
  • Flu and colds
  • Constipation
  • To prevent alopecia

According to the tradition of muira puama, this plant has a long tradition in herbal medicine as an aphrodisiac and as a general tonic for the nervous system and to treat gastrointestinal problems and rheumatism. Additionally, it has effects as a natural anti-depressive.


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The history and tradition of muira puama is born in this country


Pharmacology of Muira Puama


Muira Puama has a high pharmacological interest. Despite the fact that there have been many studies of the plant, it is believed that not all of its components have been yet discovered. However, its main alkaloid, muirapuamina is responsible for most of muira puama’s effects. Nevertheless, this alkaloid needs the action of the other components of the plant to produce its effects. The plant also contains other alkaloids, fats, phytosterols, and fatty acids.


How to Take Muira Puama


There are different formats of muira puama in the market, including pills, tinctures, and powders, or even raw bark to prepare teas and infusions. Selecting the best format is totally up to the consumer’s preferences. Nevertheless, some prefer to prepare alcohol extracts, as they think this is the most effective way to consume muira puama. That’s why in some countries they macerate muira puama in drinks such as whiskey, brandy, or cognac to prepare aphrodisiac beverages.

In order to feel its properties, a typical dosage would be around one gram of bark powder per day. Nevertheless, take into consideration that you’ll need 2-3 weeks before you start noticing any effects.