Kratom Addiction


Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a tree from Southeastern Asia that is becoming increasingly popular thanks to its many benefits and properties.

The alkaloids contained in kratom (such mitragynine, mitraphylline or 7-hydroxymitragynine) can produce therapeutic benefits such as relaxing, analgesic, sedative, euphoric or even aphrodisiac effects.

Kratom is effective in:

  • Opiate withdrawal
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Pain
  • Depression
  • Low energy
  • Euphoria
  • Low mood
  • Improve memory and concentration

But as kratom consumers increase, so does the number of users who wonder if kratom causes addiction. In this article, we will show you how to avoid and cope with kratom addiction.


Does Kratom Cause Addiction?


Especially if you are using kratom extracts, prolonged use of kratom can cause the tolerance levels to grow up very quickly. As a result, you will need higher doses and more intakes of kratom to achieve the sought effects. However, higher doses and more intakes could lead to a potential kratom addiction.

Also, some individuals show what is known as an addictive personality. These people are more prone to develop addictions. Individuals with addictive personalities may start to show psychological symptoms of addiction to kratom within a month of regular consumption. And after six months of use, the physiological symptoms will arise.


How to Avoid Kratom Addiction


To avoid developing kratom tolerance, it is important not to consume only (or mostly) kratom extracts or enhanced kratom products. This type of product will build tolerance much faster than kratom raw powder or leaves. Therefore, you should only consume kratom extracts occasionally.

The frequency of kratom intake is also key on the development of kratom addiction and tolerance. Needless to say, the more often you take kratom, the likelier you are to build up tolerance and addiction. So, to prevent tolerance, it is wise not to take kratom more than twice or thrice a week, and never in consecutive days. Ideally, you should limit your kratom intake to once a week.


Use different strains to avoid kratom tolerance


Many users consume different kratom strains or a mixture of stems. By doing this, they prevent their bodies from getting used to the same kratom variety. This makes complete sense as each kratom variety contains a different combination of alkaloids.


How to Cope with Kratom Addiction


Addiction to kratom can cause high anxiety. The moment you quit kratom and the withdrawal process begins, then you might start to experience the unpleasant effects of withdrawal. Kratom withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Intestinal problems (stomachache or stomach upset, diarrhea…)
  • Insomnia or sleep disruption
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Muscle soreness,
  • Flu-like symptoms…

Finally, if you are experiencing symptoms of kratom addiction, we strongly recommend you to search for medical help. Your doctor will advise you on how to cope with your addiction and which are the most appropriate steps to take. Also, you can start by reducing your kratom intake and doses. Thus, the whole withdrawal process will be milder.