Kratom for Fibromyalgia


Kratom is one of the most potent natural remedies in the world. Its range of effects includes analgesic, anxiolytic, antidepressant and energizing. Because kratom has so many properties, it has become a favorite among patients with fibromyalgia. If you’re suffering from this condition and haven’t tried kratom yet, in this post you’ll learn some tips on how to use kratom for fibromyalgia.


Fibromyalgia: Causes, Symptoms and Conventional Treatments


Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes chronic pain throughout the body. But fibromyalgia patients also suffer from other symptoms, such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Tender points (areas near joints that hurt when you press them)
  • Insomnia
  • Cognitive issues and brain fog (also known as “fibro fog”)
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Tingling of hands and feet
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Furthermore, fibromyalgia patients are more likely to suffer from depression than people who aren’t suffering from this disease.

Even though millions of people suffer from fibromyalgia (and between 80% and 90% of them are women), its causes are still unclear. However, there are some hypotheses that link this condition to how the brain processes pain. There also seems to be a relation between fibromyalgia and arthritis (especially because their symptoms are quite similar). But other factors, such as genetics or traumas, could also play a role in the development of fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia patients are extremely sensitive to medications. Thus, they are more prone to suffer from side effects.


What Is Kratom?


Kratom is a tree native to Southeast Asia in the same family of coffee. For many generations, the native population of Indonesia, Malaysia or Borneo have been using kratom leaves as a natural remedy for many conditions. But it is only of recent that its use has become popular in the Western world.

The properties and effects of the kratom leaves come from their alkaloids, especially from mitragynine. Mitragynine is kratom’s most abundant alkaloid. In fact, kratom’s scientific name, Mitragyna speciosa, refers to this alkaloid. Mitragynine and other kratom alkaloids (such as 7-hydroxymitragynine) act on the opioid receptors in your brain. However, kratom does not cause respiratory depression (which opiates do).

Kratom is a very versatile product: at low doses, it can be stimulant and energizing, while at high doses its effects are more analgesic and relaxing. Thanks to this versatility, the uses of kratom include:

  • Pain relief
  • Fight fatigue
  • Relaxation
  • Fight the symptoms of depression
  • Cope with anxiety
  • Euphoria
  • Fight insomnia
  • Improve focus and memory

As you can see, kratom can improve many of the symptoms of fibromyalgia. This is why the number of fibromyalgia patients that use kratom for fibromyalgia is increasing quickly.


Best Kratom Strains for Fibromyalgia


There are three main kratom varieties: white kratom, red kratom, and green kratom. The category depends on the color of the leaf vein. Each of these varieties has its own set of alkaloids and, therefore, its effects vary. But these varieties also have sub-varieties (strains), usually depending on the place of origin of the leaf. General speaking, we can say that:

  • White kratom strains are more stimulant and energizing
  • Red kratom strains are the most analgesic and sedative varieties
  • Green kratom strains have energizing, analgesic and calming effects

Knowing which kratom strains are best for fibromyalgia is quite complex. Fibromyalgia has many different symptoms, not only pain. Therefore, it is not possible to establish one single strain for treating all the symptoms.


Red Kratom Strains for Fibromyalgia


Since pain is the most common side effect of fibromyalgia, it’s only natural that red strains are the favorite choice for fibromyalgia patients. If you are coping with intense pain, red strains like red Bali or red Borneo can really be of help. Moreover, their calming properties will also help you relax. Nonetheless, you must be very careful when using red kratom strains: high doses can bring about unwanted sedation and side effects, such as dizziness.


White Kratom Strains for Fibromyalgia


If you’re struggling with fatigue, white kratom strains are the best choice. The energizing effects of white vein kratom can boost your energy up when you are feeling exhausted. Furthermore, white vein strains are also praised for its euphoric effects. And they are also a great choice to improve memory and focus. White Maeng Da is a good choice for fibromyalgia patients: even if it’s not the most energizing white strain, it has analgesic effects.


Green Kratom Strains for Fibromyalgia


Green vein kratom comprises a great variety of effects. It is a moderate pain reliever and can enhance your cognitive abilities. But at the same time, green kratom strains also have euphoric and energizing effects. While the stimulant and analgesic effects of green kratom are milder than those of red and white vein types, many users favor green kratom because its effects are longer-lasting. If you want to try a green variety, green Malay is a great choice to start.

But you can also find kratom extracts or enhanced kratom products. These are more potent kratom formats, so you will need a lower dose to notice their effects. However, they are not recommendable if you are not a kratom expert, since the risks of side effects are also higher.


Kratom Dosage


Keeping the right kratom dosage is crucial for avoiding side effects and preventing kratom tolerance.

If you are new to kratom, it is recommendable you start with a very low dose (2 – 3 grams). Then, you can gradually increase your dose. But in any case, you should never use doses higher than 8 – 10 grams. In fact, you should try to keep your dose at 5 grams or even less. These are the tips for regular kratom powder. We don’t recommend you use extracts or enhanced kratom unless you are a kratom expert user. This post about kratom dosages can help you establish the right dose for you.


Kratom Tolerance and How to Avoid It


Many kratom users consume kratom on a daily basis, in some cases even more than once a day. However, this is not the best choice if you want to avoid building up kratom tolerance and certain side effects (such as constipation). Ideally, you should not use kratom more than 3 – 5 times per week. We know that this is not a difficult task, but it is the best way to prevent kratom tolerance. When you take kratom daily, your body gets accustomed to it, so to speak, and you will need more and more amounts of kratom to notice its effects. The level of tolerance to kratom depends on each person. However, if you consume kratom regularly, chances are that you end up experiencing tolerance. And the more often you consume kratom, the quicker you’ll develop kratom tolerance.

Another way to avoid kratom tolerance is to use different kratom strains. Do not rely on a single strain. Since each kratom strain has a unique set of alkaloids, by changing strains frequently your body will not always be ingesting the same alkaloids. That said, using different kratom strains is not enough if you’re consuming kratom too frequently.


How to Take Kratom


The most common way of taking kratom is by simply making a kratom tea. There are different ways of making kratom tea. You can check a kratom tea recipe on our blog. Making kratom in a tea is also the best way to guarantee kratom is free of bacteria. However, not all users favor kratom tea: saying that kratom tea doesn’t taste good is an understatement. Many users just can’t stand kratom earthy taste.

Another way of taking kratom is by using the toss n’ wash method. However, this method is not suitable for everybody. Many kratom users report they can’t toss and wash kratom without vomiting.

You can also take kratom capsules. Perhaps this is the easiest way of consuming kratom, but not all vendors sell capsules. You can make your own kratom capsules, but the process may be somewhat cumbersome. Furthermore, the onset when taking kratom capsules is longer and the effects will take longer to kick in.

Many people add kratom to a recipe to cover its taste. Some kratom recipes include smoothies, milkshakes, or even kratom cookies. They are very easy to make and will allow you to consume kratom without experiencing its taste.


Cup of tea


Kratom Side Effects


The side effects of kratom are often the result of high doses or frequent use. Kratom side effects include:

  • Constipation
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Eye wobbles
  • Loss of libido

Furthermore, if you want to use kratom for fibromyalgia you should bear in mind that kratom could interact with some of the medications you are using.


Additional Treatments to Cope with Fibromyalgia


Medications or kratom are not the only treatments for fibromyalgia. There are additional treatments that can help you cope with the symptoms of fibromyalgia:

  • Acupuncture
  • Exercise
  • Yoga
  • Massage

Support groups are also key for fibromyalgia patients. If you are already using kratom for fibromyalgia and want to share your story, feel free to leave a comment below.