Benefits of Low Doses of Kratom


When it comes to kratom, many users say that “less is more”. But what does this mean? What are the benefits of using low doses of kratom? In this post, we will explore the positive effects of kratom in low doses. We will also provide you with a dosage guide that will help you figure out what a low dose of kratom is.


How does Kratom Work? Kratom Uses and Effects


Kratom (or Mitragyna speciosa) contains alkaloids that act on the opioid receptors that are found throughout your body. As a result, you can feel a different range of effects that include:

  • Pain relief
  • Relaxation
  • Euphoria
  • Stimulation
  • Motivation

Thanks to this number of effects, people use kratom for different issues and conditions, such as pain, anxiety, depression or fatigue. Many people overcoming an addiction have also found an ally in kratom since it helps them cope with the cravings and the symptoms of withdrawal.


What Are the Benefits of Using Low Doses of Kratom?


You will often hear that kratom is more energizing at low doses and more sedating at high doses. That’s why you may think that using kratom in low doses might make you jittery or will not help you if you’re looking for relaxation. However, using a low dosage of kratom will not make you nervous. Instead, it will increase your stamina, so you will be able to perform more tasks. But at the same time, you will also feel calm. Moreover, you will still enjoy the euphoric and pain-relieving properties of kratom.

Kratom effects also depend on the kratom type and strain that you are using:

  • White kratom: If you’re looking for a great boost of energy or euphoria, white kratom strains are your number one choice. White kratom is praised for its energizing and uplifting effects.
  • Red kratom: If you want to fight anxiety at low doses, you may want to try a red kratom strain. Red kratom strains have potent relaxing effects, but they often are sedative at high doses.
  • Green kratom: These strains offer the full spectrum of kratom effects, but they are milder than their white and red counterparts. According to anecdotal evidence, green kratom strains at low doses will provide you a mild energy boost and improve your mood, while bringing you a nice feeling of calm.

Hence, using the right kratom type and strain will also help you achieve the effects you are looking for.


Kratom powder


Preventing Kratom tolerance


As we have explained above, kratom alkaloids interact with the opioid receptors that are found throughout your body. But after prolonged use, your body will require a higher dose to obtain the original effects. It is then when tolerance occurs and may be due to two factors:

  • Down-regulation: The number of available receptors decreases.
  • Desensitization: The response to an active molecule or substance (e.g., kratom alkaloids) diminishes.

This process occurs gradually, that is, it could take days or weeks. And in both cases, the causes of kratom tolerance are

frequent, prolonged use and large doses. Therefore, if you want to prevent tolerance, it is recommendable you take low doses of kratom and avoid taking kratom every day. Trying different kratom strains can also help you prevent kratom tolerance, as each kratom strain has a different set of alkaloids.

If you are experiencing kratom tolerance, you will need higher doses to notice its effects. That means that you will also be spending more money on kratom (and kratom is not a cheap product).

The good news is that you can reset your kratom tolerance, even if you are already experiencing it. The best way to fight kratom tolerance is to make a kratom break. That is, you should stop using kratom for a while until your body can dispose of all the alkaloids. Additionally, you can taper down your kratom dose until you can make your kratom break.

How long should that kratom break last? That will depend on your tolerance level. Once your body has reset, you can start using kratom again. But if you want to avoid building up tolerance again, you use low doses of kratom.


Avoiding Kratom Side Effects


Despite its positive effects, kratom also has side effects —and some of them can be very bothering and unpleasant. What is the main cause of kratom side effects? We guess you already know the answer: high doses of kratom. But a regular frequent use of kratom can also end up causing some of these side effects.


Common Side Effects of Kratom


  • Constipation: This is one of the most common side effects of kratom. Kratom can slow down your bowel movements. As a result, your stool also becomes harder. If you want to avoid kratom constipation, drink plenty of water, take fiber supplements, and lower your kratom dosage if it’s too high. Another reason for using low doses of kratom is to avoid kratom induced constipation.
  • Dehydration: Kratom can also cause dehydration. In fact, constipation is closely related to this side effect. But dehydration can have other consequences, such as dry eyes, dry skin, skin damages, muscle cramps, or nausea. The causes of kratom dehydration are not clear, but they seem to be related to kratom diuretic effects and to the fact that kratom may cause your muscles to release (lose) liquid. Given that kratom is a natural diuretic, reducing your dose could help you relieve the symptoms of dehydration.
  • Dizziness: This side effect is commonly due to high doses. Using kratom in low doses can help you fight kratom dizziness. But kratom dizziness can also be due to low blood sugar (in this case, eating something with sugar may help).
  • Nausea or stomach upset: There are many kratom users who experience nausea or stomach upset when taking kratom. As usual, these side effects may be the result of taking high doses of kratom. Hence, using low doses of kratom is a great way to prevent kratom stomach issues. But in some cases, you can also suffer from stomach upset or nausea after using kratom on an empty stomach, especially if you have a sensitive stomach.
  • Eye wobbles: The wobbles (or nystagmus) are involuntary movement of your eye’s muscles. They are commonly related to very high doses of kratom.


A young man sitting in front of a computer suffering from dizziness because he has not taken low doses of kratom


Kratom Dosage Guide


If you want to use low doses of kratom, first you need to know what a low dosage of kratom is. This guide may help you establish your kratom dosage:

  • 2 – 3 grams: This is a very low dosage of kratom. It is recommendable for kratom newbies.
  • 2 – 4 grams: This amount is commonly regarded as a low dose of kratom. The effects are mildly stimulating and calming.
  • 4 – 5 grams: A moderate dosage of kratom. Its effects are more potent than when using a low dosage. However, if you are new to kratom, you could start noticing drowsiness and sedation with these doses.
  • 5 grams or more: Doses over 5 grams are high and are more likely to provoke side effects and sedative effects. Also, doses higher than 8 grams are very, very high and you should avoid them.

In summary, we can say that using low doses of kratom can be very positive: it allows you both to avoid side effects and enjoy all the positive effects of kratom.