Anxiolytic Effects of Kratom


What are the anxiolytic effects of kratom? Thanks to its multiple properties, kratom powder has become a very popular product. This natural substance is now a lifesaver for millions of people who use it for coping with different health issues. In this post, we will explore the anxiolytic effects of kratom. Why are so many people using kratom for anxiety or stress? Let’s find out!


Kratom: A Miracle Leaf?


Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is an evergreen tree in the coffee family that grows in Southeast Asia. For many generations, the native population of Indonesia, Thailand or Malaysia chewed or brewed the leaves of Mitragyna speciosa to reduce pain or increase their energy levels.

Today, the Western World has discovered the potent effects of kratom. Thus, the kratom leaves are exported from their native lands after undergoing a drying process and being ground into a fine powder.

But what are those properties of kratom?

  • Analgesic
  • Antidepressant
  • Relaxing
  • Anxiolytic
  • Euphoric
  • Energizing

It is because of all these properties, that many people have turned to kratom to:

  • Fight chronic or acute pain
  • Relieve the symptoms of depression or anxiety
  • Relax and fight stress
  • Combat insomnia
  • Get a boost of energy and fight fatigue
  • Improve their mood
  • Relieve the symptoms of opiate withdrawal

With such a wide range of effects, it is logical that many people refer to kratom as a “miracle leaf”.


Anxiolytic Effects of Kratom


An anxiolytic is a substance that can inhibit or reduce anxiety, usually because it has psychoactive effects. Kratom is one of those substances.

The leaves of kratom contain a great number of alkaloids and other phytochemicals that act on the mu and delta receptors in your brain. These receptors are part of the opioid system, which comprises the opioid receptors (mu, delta, and kappa) and endogenous opioids produced by your body that activate the opioid receptors. As you might have figured out by now, there is a link between the opioid system and opioids. And that link is that opioids activate the opioid receptors.

However, not only opioids activate the opioids receptors. In fact, there are many other substances that bind to or act on these receptors. Kratom is only of them. Some milk proteins, cocoa flavonoids or even light exposure activate the delta, kappa, and mu receptors.

The opioid system manages pain, addictive patterns, stress, reward or mood. Hence, when kratom’s alkaloids bind to the opioid receptors, you get to feel the effects that make kratom so popular.

When kratom acts on the mu and delta receptors in your brain, you will get a feeling of calm and relaxation. But not only that, since kratom also promotes well-being and euphoria. Therefore, you can use the anxiolytic effects of kratom for:

  • Reducing the symptoms of GAD (general anxiety disorder)
  • Fighting stress and stress-induced anxiety
  • Relieving social anxiety
  • Coping with the symptoms of depression


Top Kratom Anxiolytic Strains


Red strains are usually considered the best to fight anxiety and achieve relaxation. Red Borneo, red Bali or red Indo kratom are usually favored by kratom users for their calming effects. Moreover, they are good strains if you also want to fight insomnia. So, red kratom will always have the anxiolytic effects of kratom.

If you want to use kratom for social anxiety, red strains can also help you. Nonetheless, green strains (such as green Malay kratom) can be very useful if you want to improve your social life. But if you opt for red strains, you should be very cautious with the dosage. At large doses, red kratom strains can be very sedative.

White kratom strains are the most euphoric and stimulating. That’s why many people find them the best to cope with depression. For some kratom users, white strains are also a good choice to deal with social anxiety. However, for others, these strains are way too stimulating and worsen the symptoms of their anxiety disorder.

Kratom may have different effects on each individual, so you may want to try different strains to check which one is better for you.


Young man relaxing on the grass while enjoying the anxiolytic effects of kratom


How to Take Kratom Safely


Kratom is a safe substance if you consume it safely. But what does that mean? What is the safest way of using kratom?

  • Be careful with your dosage. At high doses, kratom can have (undesired) sedative effects. Plus, if you consume high doses of kratom the chances of experiencing high effects and building kratom tolerance are also higher. Doses larger than 5 grams are usually seen as high and you should avoid them unless you are a kratom expert. Read our post about kratom dosages to learn more about this topic.
  • Do not take kratom every day. Taking kratom on a daily basis can easily lead you to build up kratom tolerance. If that occurs, you will need higher doses of kratom to notice its effects. Furthermore, using kratom every day also increases the odds of suffering side effects.
  • Do not mix kratom and other medications. Mixing kratom and certain medications, such as anxiolytics or antidepressants, could be a very bad idea as these substances could mess with each other.

Kratom side effects include constipation, dehydration, nausea, dizziness or eye wobbles. And the best way to avoid them is by being cautious with the dosage.